Tree planting

Contributing to the community

The mhs Estates Delivery Team was at the heart of a community effort that has brightened up the neighbourhood around Luton by planting 31 new trees across that part of Chatham.

The team worked alongside Arches Local, part of the National Lottery-backed Big Local scheme, to plant pear, birch and Ginkgo Biloba trees during this year’s National Tree Week.

In an impressive partnership, the three-day community scheme was also supported by local charity Medway Plus, Orchard Community Energy, the PostCode Local Trust and Medway ward councillors for the area.


Who to thank

Arches Local was formed as part of the Big Local initiative, funded by the then National Lottery, to improve areas across England, including central Chatham. The "Luton Urban Trees Project" is aimed at brightening up the area and helping to combat climate change, clean up the air and lock in carbon dioxide.

Led by mhs homes’ Assistant Delivery Manager Rhys Dejersey, the five-strong planting team of Stewart Tucker, Paul Marsh, Andy Noyce, Daryl Matthews and Rhys braved wet weather as they got stuck in to plant the trees in Maida Road, Listmas Road and Castle Road, as well as at Luton Primary School.

Supporting the climate

Chief Executive Ashley Hook paid tribute to “our amazing Estates Delivery Team which has worked flat out in the rain during National Tree Week to plant trees across Luton in partnership with Arches Local.

“It is an excellent example of our core value – community – as well as an important contribution to protecting our planet from climate change,” he added.

Arches Local Coordinator Stephen Perez said that while the best time to plant the trees would have been 15 years ago, “the second-best time was now - and by working together, that’s what we’ve achieved”. He added: “We now look forward for many generations to come within our community to reap the benefits of this planting."