Help with hoarding – an mhs homes case study

As a social landlord, we provide support to customers who need extra help to live safely and independently. We recently supported Janet,* a 51 year old woman with hoarding disorder. For as long as she can remember, Janet has held onto things – mostly old magazines and newspapers, but also soft toys and clothing.

Every room in her flat was full, with boxes piled from floor to ceiling. It got so bad that Janet couldn’t get into her bedroom and spent many nights sleeping out on the landing.

How did we help?

Janet was assigned an mhs homes case worker with experience of hoarding disorder. Because Janet struggles with her mental health, it was important to build a trusting relationship.

It took time but eventually we were able to organise for a specialist company to come in and work with Janet to remove items. We also helped Janet sort out her benefits, provided budgeting and financial advice and put her in touch with other support services.

It hasn’t been easy for Janet but she’s now able to manage by herself, and we check in with her regularly.

How we can help you

If you’re struggling at home, we’re here to help. You can find out more on our Tenancy Support page Alternatively, you can email or call us on 01634 565333.

*This case study is made up of different stories to protect confidentiality.