Methodology for tenant perception survey

We carried out a telephone survey of customers between April 2023 and March 2024. In the first year of TSM collection, we wanted to be able to compare the data with our previous customer survey results.

For us to meet our regulatory requirements, we need to conduct a certain number of surveys for the amount of properties we manage. We spoke to 392 customers which represents 42% of our qualifying customer groups.


The proportion of general needs customers is overweight (+15%) relative to the number of homes. Whilst our homeownership customers are underrepresented (-13%).

We achieved an age profile that is broadly representative of our customer base. Our female customer base is slightly overweight at +7% from the norm.

During Q3 we carried out an audit which showed an under representation within our housing for older people and our supported accommodation. In Q4, we revised our survey sample to allow us to focus on these groups.

Our response rates in the housing type groups have been impacted by a stock transfer at the end of January 2024. This increased the size of our qualifying customer base by 20%.

We surveyed these customers using TSM questions to establish a satisfaction benchmark. However, as they had not received any services from us, their results are not included. They will be surveyed going forwards.

We have not excluded any customers from participating in our surveys. We did not offer incentives to complete our survey and weighting has not been applied to our data.

We didn’t use external contractors to complete our surveys or prepare our submission.