Our Strategic Plan 2024-2027

This three year strategy will drive our priorities and guide us in keeping our customers at the heart of everything we do. 

It sets out our ambitions and the commitments we will work towards to deliver safe, sustainable homes and communities where people can live well. There are some significant challenges ahead, but we'll strive to meet new regulations and improved standards for social housing. Our strategic priorities are:

  • Visible, responsive & caring landlord
  • Safe & sustainable homes
  • Listening, learning & acting on customers’ views
  • Community champion & partner of choice
  • Safe, inclusive & rewarding workplace
  • Well governed, well managed & financially strong

This plan gives us a clear path forward, helping us to allocate resources effectively and ensuring that we stay on track.

We want our customers to feel safe and listened to. We’ll keep their voices at the heart of everything we do, learning and acting on what people tell us to drive forward service improvements.