Report water leaks
It's important you let us know about water leaks as it's our responsibility to fix them.
You'll need to report these as a repair:
- Damaged seals around baths and showers
- Leaking high level gutters, overflow pipes and rain water pipes.
- Leaking pipework
- Leaks coming from roof - missing slates or tiles can be seen from ground level
- Blocked gutters - water spilling over on a regular basis or splattering against the walls
- Downpipes – holes in the back/water escaping
- Penetration around window frames
- Cracks to external walls
- Blocked vents, extractor fans
- Rising damp due to either defective or no damp-course
The best way to report a water leak is in to My Account. Simply log in and choose 'book a repair' in the menu. Please upload a photo so we can see the problem.