Useful help and advice about leaks is available from Southern Water’s website. Southern Water supplies most water and waste water services to our homes. You can check who your water supplier is using this online tool.
Burst pipes
- Turn off the water at the internal stop tap – usually under the kitchen sink, but can sometimes be found in downstairs bathrooms, kitchen cupboards, garages, cellars and under the stairs. See this video to help find your stop tap from WaterSafe
- If you can, you can turn off the water supply coming into your house at the stop tap on the street
- If water has leaked near your electrics, do not touch them and switch them off at the fuse box
- Soak up escaping water with towels to limit the damage.
Call us immediately on 01634 565333. You can call this number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact your water supplier for burst pipes outside of your home.
Minor plumbing problems
Minor plumbing problems include things like:
- Water pressure – too high or too low
- Dripping taps
- Toilet won’t flush
- Constant water flow in toilet
- Slow draining sink, bath, or shower
The easiest way to report these repairs is online in My Account. For the most common repairs you can choose an appointment time and even change it in your 'Repairs history' if you need to.
If you're not able to access My Account, we have other ways you can contact us.
Water leaks
It's important you let us know about water leaks as it's our responsibility to fix them.
You'll need to report these as a repair:
- Damaged seals around baths and showers
- Leaking high level gutters, overflow pipes and rain water pipes.
- Leaking pipework
- Leaks coming from roof - missing slates or tiles can be seen from ground level
- Blocked gutters - water spilling over on a regular basis or splattering against the walls
- Downpipes – holes in the back/water escaping
- Penetration around window frames
- Cracks to external walls
- Blocked vents, extractor fans
- Rising damp due to either defective or no damp-course
The best way to report a water leak is in to My Account. Simply log in and choose 'book a repair' in the menu. Please upload a photo so we can see the problem.
If you're not able to access My Account, we have other ways you can contact us.