How to prevent fires
In and around your home:
- Check your smoke alarms are working
- Make sure everyone in your homes knows where the exit routes are
- Keep exits from your home clear and keys to doors and windows within easy reach
- Keep all routes and communal areas clear of obstructions like prams, bikes, plants and rubbish
- Keep fire doors closed – and report broken door closers for repair
In the kitchen:
- Take care when cooking with oil – using an electric fryer is safer
- Dry food before frying it – the fat can bubble over the side of the pan
- Don’t leave children alone in the kitchen where there is cooking going on
- Keep saucepan handles out of children’s reach
On your balcony:
- Ensure that your balcony is kept clear; with the exception of plants, a table and chairs.
- Do not use your balcony for keeping storage, BBQs, AstroTurf, bamboo screening etc, as these items can cause a fire to spread quicker.
Candles and cigarettes
Make sure that cigarettes are properly out after you have finished them.
Be very careful with candles and tea lights – keep them away from anything that could burn, such as curtains and use a heat resistant holder.
Keep matches and lights well out of reach of children.
Don’t smoke in bed.
Use a deep ashtray that can’t tip over and cigarettes won’t roll off of.
Electrical equipment
Don’t overload electrical sockets and unplug items not in use.
Don’t use heaters for drying clothes.
Be alert for damage or scorching on electrical appliances.
If you have any questions around fire safety please contact