Housing Ombudsman investigations and findings

The Housing Ombudsman have several forms of contact with participating landlords. We have listed below the outcomes relating to Housing Ombudsman involvement.

Complaint Handling Failure Orders 

mhs homes Group has complied with all the orders and recommendations set by the Housing Ombudsman. We have not received any complaint handling failure orders.

Housing Ombudsman Publications

There have not been any press releases from the Housing Ombudsman relating to mhs homes Group.

The press releases that the Housing Ombudsman publish relating to other landlords are regularly shared across our organisation. We encourage our complaint handlers to read press releases that relate to their service area, to inform them of shared learnings.

Our Asbestos Compliance Contract Manager has reviewed a press release report relating to another landlord, and subsequently changed how we communicate asbestos letters to customers. Our Customer Experience Team Leader also shares press releases that relate to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at our EDI Taskforce.

Housing Ombudsman investigations overview 

The Housing Ombudsman will complete independent investigations into complaints that have gone through our internal complaints process. The Housing Ombudsman will then provide us and our customer with their findings. We had 17 new investigations opened with the Housing Ombudsman in 2023-24. Nine of these are still under investigation. One we received a determination for in April 2024 and will form part of next year's annual service improvement report.

In 2023-24 we received eight determinations from the Housing Ombudsman, following their independent investigation. This includes one case that was received in 2022-23. When we receive a determination, these are initially shared with our Chief Executive Officer, Executive Directors, and any internal stakeholders relevant to the findings.

We comply with each of the orders and recommendations, then inform the Housing Ombudsman and provide our evidence of compliance. Our Governing Body are provided with oversight of the findings in the Directors reports, led by our Members Responsible for Complaints.

Sharing the details of these cases with complaint handling colleagues is essential to avoid the same mistakes from happening again, as such, we use these cases as part of the bi-monthly complaint handler meetings. In some cases, we also share these with other colleagues, such as at our Building Safety Taskforce or Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Taskforce.

The determinations 

We have provided overview information on each of the eight determinations we received in 2023-24. We have removed any personal details so that our residents cannot be identified. We have included the following:

  • A timeline of the individual’s complaint process  
  • The subject of the complaint   
  • The determination from the Housing Ombudsman   
  • Order and Recommendations   
  • What we have learnt